Thursday, March 8, 2007

"I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow"

We're Grandparents!

Well Rick has been for awhile but this is my first :-) Bryan and Hiba had a baby girl yesterday, March 7th. Her name is Layla Paris Simpson, weighing in at 8 lbs 11 ozs. Mommy and baby are doing perfect!

I cried uncontrollably when Bryan gave me the news while I was stuck in traffic on the 401, on the way. Oh didn't I wish I had the ability to push in on my belly button and fly over all the traffic just like I did in my dreams as a little girl. And I cried when I got to the hospital, and I cried when Rick got to the hospital and I cried when I left the hospital and I cried when I called my girlfriend Deb. It was great to be there with Rick and Shane too. Pictures to follow!

The first girl, I'm soooooo excited and happy. She's so beautiful.


Claudia and Luke said...

you are going to be the coolest gramdma yet!!
Congratulations to everyone, dad, grandma, grandpa and cool is that!

Anonymous said...

Very cool Michele!

I know you're going to enjoy being a grandma even more than you could have ever imagined!!

She's adorable! So big! And all that hair!! Oy! Hey, take her in with ya next time you get your nails done will ya?

Love ya!
Big squeezy hugs.

jenn said...

soooooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!

Amanda said...

Michele, she is SO SO sweet....I still think she looks a little like you!!! :D I know you'll be a very cool grandma!!! :D Congrats on the newest member of your family!!!

Moni said...

congrats to you and your family !! that's awesome--she's beautiful !! enjoy every minute of her~!!!!

Barbara said...

she's gorgeous Michele. You're going to have so much fun spoiling her.