Thursday, May 17, 2007


What's new? I've been working a little, not alot. I enjoy housework so I've been finding something to clean every day. The other day I cleaned our storage room and am fairly happy with it. I am going to take out all our family photos and get those sorted out, we still have nothing on our walls and have lived here for almost two years! Two years!! My how time flies when you're having fun.
Last weekend Rick and I put mulch on our gardens, almost 5 yards, that's alot of shovelling. They look great mind you but it sure was alot of work. Rick is putting an extension on our deck, an additional 6 feet, it is going to be so nice when he is finished. We want to make some shade, it's just too hot in the direct sun in the afternoons out there to enjoy it. Looking forward to sitting out there :-)
Rick is going to Jimi's for the weekend to help finish the plumbing. I've got some scrapbooking plans and some jobs I'd like to get done. I want to plant vines around the deck, hopefully fast growing ones! My girlfriend Deb is coming out on Saturday night for dinner and to spend the night, maybe we'll have a campfire :-) On Sunday we are going over to Claudia's to make a scrapping project, have dinner, some wine and enjoy the hot tub! Monday I have some work to do in the garage (ya! clean the garage while Rick isn't here! yeah!)
Have a great long weekend everyone!


Claudia and Luke said...

bout time you updated...heehee

Isn't spring cleaning much more fun than work......????

I am so looking forward to Sunday. The project is so fun, but I much watch the video again. Looking forward to seeing you...You and Deb have fun tomorrow.

Love to ya both

Anonymous said...

Say... Rick doesn't read this does he? Would either of the boys snitch on you about the garage thing?? I think I'd have kept that under my hat until he got home and asked "WTF!?!". :D

By the way, looking forward to spening time with Jerry, You and Ben this weekend... and of course the girls on Sunday. :)

anonymousdeb ;)

jenn said...

Deb it was cool to hang out with you!!!!