Friday, May 25, 2007

We're getting there...

Well we've had a busy week. I've been busy mostly with helping my girlfriend Barbiedoll organize our Scrapping Retreat in September. There are 20 ladies going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for a week. There is alot to do to make it the best week for everyone. This week we finally got commitments from drivers and vehicles. Now we can take care of all the fun stuff! Here is a link to the lodge we have rented, we have it all to ourselves :-) Check it out!

Rick is finishing the deck this weekend and I'm going to attempt to redo the brick edging around the garden around the house...hopefully I won't be burnt to a crisp. I'll post pictures when we are finished.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

Very pretty flowers Michele, they are coming along beautifully. Is the 2nd one Lilly of the Valley? Love those! You have a green thumb outdoors and a white thumb indoors. It's all lovely! Don't forget to wear sunscreen and wide brim hat! Have fun you scrapper you. xoxo Love, Budgie

Claudia and Luke said...

I am so glad you are on the organizing team...for this trip and the cabin in November. I think we are going to have a great time...but then, who wouldn't sitting in the Smokey Mountain's, scrapbooking for a whole week, being with good friends, shopping, and then look at the lodge we are staying, it couldn't get any better than that!!

Thanks for doing a terrific job!!

Barbara said...

and thanks for helping me organize. I Can't wait for the trip. It's going to be a blast.

April said...

I rented one of these cabins back in Feb for our family. It was really nice there. You guys are going to have a blast!!

Shelley said...

you are too too sweet for stopping by my blog!!! thanks for the kind words.. and DO keep in touch! I had a blast meeting some really FUN Canadians... and you DO know.. you all monopolized the LO contests at CKC! hehehehe.. i need to hand with some more Canadians to get my mojo goin!!! LOVE your comment line... 3 fine outstanding citzens said nice mushy stuff .. too too cute! keep comin around my blog! I LOVE to have fans!!! hahaha I enjoyed reading your blog today too! this internet world amazes me DAILY! Happy Weekendings to ya!

Shelley said...

ok, just clicked on the lodge retreat pics!!! I wanna come!!! MAN that looks like FUN!!! What sort of a drive is it for you???