Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Science 101...or should I call it Photography 101 ??

Will ya look at these shots! Rick watched a birds nest on our deck all spring and took pictures throughout their stay. These turned out fanTAStic, didn't they? It's interesting how there are two different types of eggs in the same nest. Be sure to double click on these pictures so you can see the babies waiting for food, how cute! One guy's arm/fingers looks like Edward Scissorhands.


Claudia and Luke said...

well...isn't that just the coolest thing....
so awsome and how they are together like one picture

Mich said...

did it myself :-)

see your smilin face?


Claudia and Luke said...

now, when I left this message the picture was not there...now it is...this is weird

jenn said...

love the photos!!! so very cool!

Amanda said...

Very cool shots!!! That's too cute!!!

Anonymous said...


I'd like to comment on the fact that your son and husband need a lesson in safety.


Miss you, and I love the bird photos. Even though they do creep me out a bit.
