Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Habitat for Humanity - Waterloo

About 7 months ago I signed up at a Volunteer Fair to help with Habitat for Humanity when the Waterloo build was ready to start. I got the call last week and have started helping. I volunteered for Parking, Registration and Food, any of those three...right now I'm on Parking duty, it's an early start and I'm volunteering 3 days a week.

I couldn't believe the difference in the four houses from one day to the next. The first day there was only the cement foundation, day 2 each home had all the wood sticks attached! They are fast!!!

Each family that is picked to live in these homes have to contribute 500 hours (family combined) labour, if the family has a single parent they have to contribute 250 hours. Their mortgages are either interest free or very low interest and are amortized over a period the family can afford to repay. It's a great great organization and I feel honoured to be involved with it...


Claudia and Luke said...

you are such a wonderful all round person...good for you

Amanda said...

hehehehe!! Wooden sticks!! :D You're funny!!! That's called the framing!!!! :D And good for you for volunteering your time!! :D My dad worked for them for awhile and they do some great work...enjoy your time. It makes us appreciate what we have.