Friday, May 11, 2007

That he not busy being born, is busy dying.

All our lives are too busy that busy gets in the way of life. How can we enjoy our lives when we are so busy? Over the last week or two, even the last month, I've pondered over this for hours. I'd like to try to take a few steps back where I can and do less outside of the house, take more time to enjoy my time together with Rick and to do some things I love around the house. Less computers, less errands, less plans, more conversations with family, more cuddling with Rick, more rest.
Lots of things have been going on, lots of fun things with friends, not so good news with my brother. At the end of April he thought he had a heart attack but what happened was he pulled and tore all his chest muscles severely. Good news but lots of pain for him. My sister is treking across Vancouver Island to Tofino with hubby. The live just north of Victoria. Rick and I went to Tofino in 2002 and have been telling my sister about it ever since. I'm glad they are on their way, can't wait to hear their take on it.
Bryan, Hiba and Layla are doing well, they've been over for a campfire with friends Maria and John. Layla fell asleep at the campfire, Bryan and Rick had spiderdogs and roasted marshmallows.
Shane and Jen are doing fine and Shane is working a lot of hours. Good for him, the rich guy :-) They got a new puppy in March or April and have been very busy with him. I'm not sure when we'll be seeing them. I'm afraid of dogs and they don't want to leave the dog alone. So we'll see.
I'm off to Argyle tomorrow morning real early, the town is having a garage sale! I'm looking for things for all the grand kids who are visiting this summer for a week, to celebrate Rick's 50th birthday.
Ciao for now!


jenn said...

Have fun out garage saling!!!! Elmira is having a community one too :)

Prayers to your brother!

Claudia and Luke said... where the garage sale is and thats the town my brother lives in...

Anonymous said...

Rick's turning 50 and...and...i thought only the women turned 50?!? Oh well,you learn something new everyday i guess! ;^)


Amanda said...

Sounds like you were in for a fun day! Sorry about your brother..glad it's not too severe....sounds like life is very busy for you.....enjoy your down time!!! And hope you got some great deals today!! (I went yard saling today in Elmira and got some AMAZING deals!!!) You'll have to update! I'm hoping to update tomorrow!!! xoxo PS: Happy Mother's Day!!! kiss kiss

Amanda said...

Sounds like you were in for a fun day! Sorry about your brother..glad it's not too severe....sounds like life is very busy for you.....enjoy your down time!!! And hope you got some great deals today!! (I went yard saling today in Elmira and got some AMAZING deals!!!) You'll have to update! I'm hoping to update tomorrow!!! xoxo PS: Happy Mother's Day!!! kiss kiss

Barbara said...

You're just waaaaay to busy girl! It's all about balance. Stop filling up that calendar!!!!